曾力,女,1993.1,河南新乡人,中共党员,博士,讲师,双师双能型教师。本科毕业于河南大学;硕士毕业于AMBA、EQUIS、AACSB三重权威认证的国际知名商学院英国雷丁大学亨利商学院(Henley Business School);博士毕业于世界百强名校马来亚大学(University of Malaya)。研究方向:金融风险,数字金融和绿色金融。
[1] Can the modified ESG-KMV logit model explain the default risk of internet finance companies?. Frontiers In Environmental Science, 2022,10:961239,SCI.
[2] Internet financial risk assessment in China based on a particle swarm optimization–analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. Journal of Risk Model Validation,2023, 17(1):17-39,SSCI.
[3] Value‐at‐Risk with quantile regression neural network: New evidence from internet finance firms,Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 2023,39(6): 884-905,SCI.
[4] The Linkage between ESG Performance and Credit Risk: A modified Green KMV model with ESG rating,International Research Workshop on Finance and Sustainability (IRWFS 2023).
[5] Assessing the Risk Impact of COVID-19 on China's FinTech Industry: A Multi Dimensional Analysis,The 31st Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics,Accounting and Management,2023.
[6] 参与美国罗格斯大学(Rutgers University, USA)杰出教授 Cheng-Few Lee主编的《Handbook of Financial Econometrics, Statistics, Technology, and Risk Management》。文章: The Application of Machine Learning in Financial Risk Management: A Review
[7] 主持河南省软科学项目:金融科技赋能河南省企业绿色信贷创新的路径及风险机制研究(项目编号:232400410348),河南省科技厅,起止时间:2023.01-2024.04。